An Evening of Armenian Storytellers


juin 08, 2024
08:00 pm - 09:30 pm (EDT)
Atamian Hovsepian Curatorial Practice
227 East 24th Street
New York, NY 10010
Free; suggested donation of $15 at the door.
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Event details

Enjoy an evening of charming, surprising & uplifting stories about the Armenian American experience, told live by 5 talented storytellers - Anoush Froundjian, ​Justin McElwee, Rob Paravonian, Tamar Vezirian, and Lisa Yapp - and music by Alan Semerdjian.

The event is in partnership with the Tumanyan International Storytelling Festival - a new cultural initiative aimed at reconnecting contemporary audiences with the rich heritage and tradition of storytelling.

Space is limited; please RSVP.

Organized by: AGBU ArtsTumanyan International Storytelling Festival, National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)

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